Indriya Resorts|Beach|Sea|Back Water|Hill Stations Indriya Resorts|Beach|Sea|Back Water|Hill Stations

Responsible Tourism

Our hospitality management strategy will embrace planning, management, product development and marketing to bring about positive economic, social, cultural and environmental impacts. It is about providing more rewarding experiences for guests while enabling local communities to enjoy a better quality of life and conserving the natural environment. Our triple bottom line - economic growth that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable - the three pillars of sustainable development.


  • ssess economic impacts of tourists and activities
  • To maximize local economic benefits by increasing linkages and reducing leakages
  • Ensure that the surrounding communities are involved in and benefit from tourism
  • Assist with local marketing and product development
  • Assess social impacts of tourism activities, respect social and cultural diversity
  • Minimize the environmental impact of our business
  • Use natural resources sustainably
  • Maintain biodiversity